Community building: a wiki or a forum?

If you are installing midiawiki the first time, you may end up installing several just like me. The rich features of mediawiki impressed me and I decided to move some of my forums to mediawiki. Why? You may ask? I think wiki is promoting a more interactive community than forums. How many of you are fed up with a long long forums posts – you serached through it trying to find a final answser. You may just jump into the last several posts, but they are coments like “Thank you”, “That really helps”, “Please check another thread at bla bla bla”, etc. You just wanted to get the final answer to this issue in the thread but was overwelmed by many long unrelated posts. In wiki, you are always presnted with the final anser from the community, all the changes are kept in the “History” if you are insterested. Neat.

In forums, you may easily read who said what, when. In wiki, you always see the most recent version of the current discussion, the “who” and “when” and even “what” are located in “history” section. (“history” kept all versions of the pages)
