Mambo user management

Get thhis somewhere from the Web. Need to test and verify it.

User Synchronization on multiple mambo sites PDF Print E-mail

User account management in Mambo is a hassle especially if you have multiple sites maintained by the same people. For exampe,, and have the same people maintaining the site.

To remedy this, I have went down to the database files maintained by mysql and made my modifications there. I know that there are three tables (each with three files, ~.frm, ~.MYI, ~.MYD) concerned with the users, namely:

* mos_core_acl_aro
* mos_core_acl_groups_aro_map
* mos_users

I simply deleted the files pertaining to these three tables on two of the databases, portal and npm2. Then, I made some soft links to the copy found in the project database.

Here is what i did:

cd mysql/var

rm mos_core_acl_aro.*
rm mos_core_acl_groups_aro_map.*
rm mos_users.*

ln -s ../project/mos_core_acl_aro.frm .
ln -s ../project/mos_core_acl_aro.MYI .
ln -s ../project/mos_core_acl_aro.MYD .

ln -s ../project/mos_core_acl_groups_aro_map.frm .
ln -s ../project/mos_core_acl_groups_aro_map.MYI .
ln -s ../project/mos_core_acl_aro.MYD .

ln -s ../project/mos_users.frm .
ln -s ../project/mos_users.MYI .
ln -s ../project/mos_users.MYD .
