Wireless Setup

Setting up network can be very tricky. One missing step can take you a sleepless night to pull your hairs. Here is what I was. I havv set up wireless access point several times and recently I thought setting up another PC will be just a snap. However I forgot to add that one in my assess point’s access list and hours and hours I just got fainted. 🙂

Here are some hints to set up another PC into your wireless network:

1. Add that PC in your router’s access list. Remmber this is the MAC addess oy sometimes called physical address, not IP address. Sometimes the “properties” show something like 1a.20.1d.2a.32.a2. Make sure to change the . to :.

2. Copy ONLY the HEX key to your wireless adapter’s configuration (if this is a secured network and I bet yours surely is), NOT the passphrase, at least for Windows XP. Otherwise you’ll have difficult time to connect.
