Working on Zhejiang Yun Pu, draft pages 1-23. So far I finished pages 1-3. 劇名含:<<劉行首>>和<<桃花女>>。
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Today’s Book: My Chinese Classroom
Here is the book mentioned in last blog: My Chinese Classroom (with one CD and English & Japanese explanations) |
This Chinese textbook is published in Shanghai. It contains one CD attached in the back of the book. The lessons include
This textbook focuses on real life backgrounds in Shanghai, and it would be ideal for people who plan to travel to Shanghai. It includes one CD. The textbook includes English and Japanese notations. The only perk is that the CD is in Chinese only. Street Price found: $50. Mail Order Price: $59 |
First Chinese textbook for “foreign housewives” debuts in Shanghai
First Chinese textbook for “foreign housewives” debuts in Shanghai |
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The first Chinese textbook for foreigners working in Shanghai and their families, “My Chinese Classroom” makes debut in Shanghai recently. Experts say the textbook fills the void in Chinese language teaching for expats in China.
Jane, wife of an expat working in Shanghai has spent more than one year in the city with her husband. The whole family feels comfortable living here. But they make little progress in learning Chinese although they have put much time on it. Jane told reporter many Chinese textbooks in bookstores are written for foreign students who study in China. A lot of them have gone out-of-date. Expressions used in 1950s and 1960s are still found in these textbooks, e.g. “Comrade, I’d like to buy a meal.” But as a matter of fact however standard and fluent the expressions are, no one speaks that way nowadays.¡¡ At present there are 440, 000 expats living in Shanghai. By 2010, the number is expected to grow to 1.5 mln. The need for a practical Chinese textbook appears crucial to make foreigners communicate in Chinese more quickly and conveniently. Beginning 2004, the Aimade publishing house began compiling a series of Chinese textbook for foreigners working in Shanghai and their families. The new book “My Chinese Classroom” makes debut following one year’s work. Wu Zhongwei, vice president of college of international exchange of Fudan University hails the practical textbook as “China’s first Chinese textbook for housewives”. By People’s Daily Online |
February 22, 2005
Math Homework Maker 1.0
Today’s software: Hanzi Explorer 9.0
Shareware | $35.00 | 2-Apr-2006 | 12784K |
Hanzi Explorer features a unique writing animation, every National standardized Hanzi is derived from its etymology to color components for dramatically enhancing your memory efficiency, and spoken by a FAMOUS CHINESE NATIONAL BROADCAST ANNOUNCER.
Hanzi Explorer is a powerful and intelligent learning system based on plenty of valuable resources for efficiently mastering Chinese.
Hanzi Explorer features a unique writing animation, every Hanzi is derived from its etymology or memory skills to color components and animated in big size stroke by stroke. These effects will dramatically enhance your memory efficiency. The voice of a FAMOUS CHINESE NATIONAL BROADCAST ANNOUNCER guarantees that you’ll learn the correct pronunciation.
Hanzi Explorer contains a variety of Chinese National Standard Character sets and school books. Hanzi Explorer is for the young and the young at heart, for beginners and experts, because everyone will find suitable access either to start or to continue. And even better! With this tool you can also load, process, study any other Chinese learning stuff without limit.
Many intelligent games and a powerful reading panel are ideal for practice. Besides, a smart and powerful Chinese-Chinese-English Dictionary is also inclusive.
Making your own color flashcards by means of Hanzi Explorer will allow of studying Hanzi anytime, anywhere.
Today’s quote
“When you sell a man a book, you don’t sell him 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue-you sell him a whole new life.”
-Christopher Morley
作者:黎新第主题类号:H1/语言文字学 【 文献号 】1-543【原文出处】重庆师院学报:哲社版【原刊期号】200001【原刊页号】86~96【分 类 号】H1【分 类 名】语言文字学【复印期号】200007【 标 题 】20世纪《中原音韵》音系研究进程与方法回顾 ……
…… 3、研究资料的大力开拓和利用。首先是元曲资料。 遥继廖xún@①英1963研究关汉卿现存杂剧用韵之后,鲁国尧1990、1991研究白朴曲韵,忌浮1988研究元曲曲尾及曲尾上的入声字,黎新第1990、1991、1992研究属《中原音韵》“定格”的元杂剧各曲入韵字以及元曲末句、句末仄仄连出字,杨载武1991研究元散曲用韵,邓兴锋1995、1996、1997研究元大都杂剧用韵等,都已经初具规模。其中具有开拓意义的是,元曲的音韵研究已经不限于归纳其用韵情况以资比较,还特别注重借助曲律观察其舒声字和促声字在曲句中特定位置上的声调表现,以判断《中原音韵》的“入派三声”究竟是否与元杂剧的实际语言相符合。邓兴锋的研究不是依据作者而是依据特定地域,而且专就一些前此的研究未曾涉及的问题(如韵部关系、单字读音等)进行深入探讨,也是对元曲研究的进一步开拓。
2.深入了解元曲的语音面貌,对于《中原音韵》音系的研究有着十分重要的意义。但迄今为止,对元曲资料的发掘和利用仍显得很不充分。象廖xún@①英1963、鲁国尧1990、191和邓兴锋1995、1996、1997那样对元曲分作家、分地域的系统研究还只是刚刚开始。 与《中原音韵》有关的元曲单字读音的研究也还大有可为。
邓兴锋,1995,《大都剧韵所见〈中原音韵〉两韵并收字》,《南京大学学报(哲社版)》第4期;1996, 《大都杂剧合韵所反映的元代韵部关系》,《语言研究》增刊;1997,《大都剧韵所反映的元代一些单字的读音》,《语言研究》第1期