Chinese Pronunciation 101: Part 3

3. Vowel Combinations in Chinese pronunciation

Basic vowels form vowel combinations with each other or with a nasal consonant, a.k.a final.

Learn Chinese pronunciation of Vowel Combinations

– ai like eye
– an sounds like “ah” with an emphatic “n” at the end (NOT like “an” in man)
– ang sounds like “ah” with a soft “ng” (NOT like “ang” in gang)
– ao is like “ao” in Tao
– ei is like “ay” in pay
– en is like “un” in sun
– eng is like “ung” in sung
– er like “ur” in purse

– ia is like ya
– iang is like young
– ie is like yeah
– iu is like the “ou” in you
– ian like yen
– iao is like “eow” in meow
– in as in “in” in sin
– ing as in “ing” in sing
– iong is like pinyin “yong”